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Brazil Central Bank Headquarters

Brasilia, Brazil
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The Brazilian Central Bank headquarters has completed the renovated two of its key conference auditoria, updating both audio and video systems. Located in the capital city of Brasilia’s tallest building, the institution is responsible for the success of Brazilian economic policy, and the auditoria are used by leaders of Brazilian finance. 


This is the first installation of its type in Brazil to use Community Professional’s flagship column-line-array systems. The systems provide the versatility and reliability that both auditoria need for both internal use and for presentations to the media. 

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1. Your full contact information
  • Your company name and address (include country), website url, etc
  • Your first and last name, job title, email address, contact phone number (address if different)

2. Where the Biamp solution was installed:
  • Customer's company name, address/location (city, state, country).

3. List the Biamp products installed (include product name/sku and each quantity).

4. Briefly explain the business problem you and the Biamp products used in the solution.

5. Please include any photos/images we can post on our public website.

6. Email the information to us here.