With the latest release of Project Designer, you are ready to integrate Biamp room control with your favorite UC meeting room computes. Project Designer 1.35 has been released along with the Biamp UC
Connect, a Microsoft Teams Room plugin that makes it easy to add room control functions to your Microsoft Teams Room UCC. Simply install the plugin on your Microsoft Teams Room UCC, add the IP address
of your Impera controller, and click connect. Now you’re ready to add room controls to your project.
Project Designer also simplifies configuring room control for Microsoft Teams Rooms. With the 1.35 release, Project Designer now includes a new Microsoft Teams Room theme so your room
controls match your meeting controls, for an elegant, unified user interface.
Now adding room controls to Microsoft Teams Rooms and Zoom Rooms is easier than ever. More details about adding Impera room control to your Microsoft Teams Room UCC can be found in
this article.
If your project involves Zoom Rooms UCCs, you can find integration instructions
This latest Project Designer release also adds or enhances important features across the Impera product family. You can now configure the Apprimo Touch 8i to be hosted by an Impera Tango.
It also adds native expansion bus (NEB), IR learning and enhanced live monitoring capabilities to the Impera Tango.
For the latest capabilities and best performance of your control systems, be sure to keep your Project Designer software up to date. Download Project Designer 1.35 today.